17 Income Generating Assets that will Make You Rich [2024]

Best Income Generating Assets

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Want to know the secret to financial success?

The answer is investing in income generating assets today so that you will have the cash flow tomorrow to live the life you want.

So if you want to make passive income with cash flowing assets, this article will be your go-to guide.

Let’s dive in!

In this article

What are Income Generating Assets?

Income generating assets are investments that produce consistent, recurring streams of cash flow over long periods of time. Common income generating assets include real estate, private lending, and dividend-paying stocks.

Especially in today’s volatile economy, it’s more important than ever to build income generating assets because we can no longer rely on our regular jobs. 

Diversifying your portfolio not only means you are hedging your investments (aka protecting your investments) but it also means that you would be receiving passive income across several different income generating assets.

When one passive income asset fails, you can still rely on your other passive income assets to make you money.

Best Income Generating Assets

I’m about to show you some of the best income generating asset ideas, ranging from stocks to farmland. 

Remember: Each income generating asset idea comes with its own set of pros and cons, so make sure you take some time to evaluate whether the investment is the best option for you. 

You’ll want to consider:

  • Risks Involved
  • Potential Return
  • Time Commitment
  • Minimum Investment

…And of course, you’ll also want to consider whether these are the best assets to invest in for you and your particular situation. 

Let’s get started!

Income Generating Asset Rental Real Estate

1. Rental Real Estate

  • Pro: Potential to earn passive quarterly income
  • Con: Illiquid investment
  • Potential Return: 5.4% to 7.0%+
  • Time Commitment: 5 to 7 years
  • Minimum Investment: $100
  • Best Resource: Arrived Homes

Have you ever wanted to invest in rental real estate without managing the property (and tenants) yourself?

Well, now you can!

An income generating asset such as rental real estate can be a very lucrative investment.

Not only do you make money with the rental income, but you also make money when the property is sold.

How Investing in Commercial Real Estate Works

And this is where Arrived Homes comes into play 👇

Arrived Homes is an online real estate investment platform that uses crowdfunding to help everyday investors access rental real estate.

Your minimum investment? Just $100. 

And the best part is that you don’t have to:

  • Collect rent
  • Manage the property
  • Deal with unhappy tenants

…All you do is collect the quarterly passive income!

Investing in real estate as a long-term investment also pays off, as this chart clearly shows:

Real Estate vs Stocks vs Savings Account vs Gold

Over the long run, diversifying your portfolio and investing in real estate can make sense. 

Moreover, during stock market volatility and uncertain economic times (such as geopolitical tensions, rising inflation, etc.), real estate has proven to be more stable than stocks:

Stock Market Returns Volatility vs Real Estate Returns Volatility

One of the main reasons why real estate tends to be more stable is simply because people need a place to live and they will pay rent to put a roof over their heads. 

The confidence in the real estate market can be seen in the 2-decade graph below, illustrating annualized returns over the past 20 years.

SP500 vs Rental Property Investing Annual Returns 2001-2021

Now, don’t get me wrong: 

I am a very big believer in real estate investing – but I would never invest 100% of my portfolio in real estate.

The key to becoming successful with investing is diversification.

Recommended Reading: Arrived Homes Review

Income Generating Asset: Public Non-Traded REITs

2. REITs

Pro: Generate passive income
Con: May be difficult to understand
Potential Return: 7% to 12.42% (assuming you reinvest)
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: $10
Best Resource: Fundrise

Investing in real estate is one of the top strategies used by the wealthy and famous.

Now you can too, thanks to modern technology.

Specifically, you can invest in what is known as real estate investment trust (aka REIT, pronounced “ree-t”) through popular apps like Fundrise 👇

As a REIT investor, you don’t really get to physically “see” or visit the investment properties (unless you decide to pay for a plane ticket to explore the properties).

You put your faith in the REIT.

Here is why Fundrise could be a good passive income asset for you:

  • You want to diversify your portfolio
  • You want to earn a passive income stream 
  • You want to protect your investments during a recession
  • You want to invest in real estate without putting in the hard work

What I like about Fundrise is that you can start your real estate investment journey with just $10, while most real estate investment deals start with minimums of $5,000+.

fundrise real estate portfolio

Based on the image above, Fundrise diversifies its REIT investments in 3 particular property types:

  • Apartments
  • Commercial
  • Single-family

Diversification, especially in the real estate sector, is key.

Over the past 6 years, Fundrise has performed right in line with other real estate portfolios like Vanguard, as you can see below:

fundrise vs vanguard total stock market ETF vs vanguard real estate ETF

Fundrise claims that its goal is to provide investors with consistent returns over the long term.

Fundrise is actually one of the few real estate investing apps that offers a phone app, so your REIT portfolio becomes a lot more accessible.

Below are a few more facts and figures you may want to know before signing up with Fundrise:




Default Rate

7% to 12.42%

Average Fee


Real Estate Types

– Apartments

– Commercial

– Single family

Just remember to do your research before you jump head-over-heels into any income generating asset.

Recommended Reading: Fundrise Review

Income Generating Asset: High-Yield Savings Accounts

3. High-Yield Savings Account

Pro: Great for emergency savings funds
Con: Could get higher returns in the stock market
Potential Return: Around 5%
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: $1
Best Resource: Raisin

Did you know that one of the easiest income generating assets is opening a high-yield savings account online?

With a HYSA you can make passive income without moving a finger!

HYSAs can provide:

  • Liquidity
  • Passive income
  • Low (or no) fees

How do you open a HYSA?

Here’s how:

  1. Go to Raisin (I use Raisin myself)
  2. Select one of the available savings accounts
  3. Open your savings account
  4. Stash 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses in your savings account

The best part about this strategy?

Not only do you get:

  • Zero fees
  • FDIC insurance
  • 24/7 access to your funds
  • Availability in 30+ countries

But with the current interest rates, you can also get over 5% APY.

A 5% rate on $10,000 of cash would earn you $500.

For doing absolutely NOTHING.

Income Generating Asset: Private Art Deals

4. Private Art Deals

Pro: Portfolio diversification
Cons: Fees are fairly high
Potential Return: 8% to 30%+
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: Depends on the specific investment offerings available
Best Resource: Masterworks

Investing in blue-chip artwork is a great hedge against inflation and stock market volatility.

Take a look at the chart below, which illustrates the correlation of contemporary art (which is what Masterworks specializes in) versus the ups and downs of the stock market:

graph of comtemporary art correlation factor 1995-2020

This chart shows that when the stock market goes down (represented by the S&P 500), the contemporary art market does not go down. 

Why is this a good thing?

If you’re in the middle of a recession, any investments you own that are in the stock market will go down. 

However, any investments you own that are in fine art, will probably not go down (based on the correlation chart, above). 

I should also note that the performance of fine art has exceeded the performance of the stock market over the past 25 years, from 1995 to 2020, as illustrated in the following chart:

graph of contemporary art annualized performance 1995-2020

From the 1995 to 2020 time period, contemporary art yielded an average annual return of 14% while the S&P 500 (representing the U.S. stock market) returned only 9.5%. 

To clarify, I’m not saying to go and sell every stock position you own and instead invest everything in Masterworks. That would be a pretty bad idea, especially because investing in the fine art market isn’t all rosy.

In fact, there are several cons if you’re looking to invest in the art world, including:

  • The fees are typically high
  • The art world is unregulated
  • Your money is locked for 3 to 10 years

I am, however, saying that investing in fine art could be a lucrative idea.

Below are a few more facts and figures you may want to know about Masterworks:




Average Fee

1.5% per year + 20% of artwork sale

Income Generating Asset Type

Blue-Chip Art

Just remember to do your research before you jump head-over-heels into any income generating asset.

Recommended Reading: Masterworks Review

Income Generating Asset: Dividend Paying Stocks

5. Dividend Paying Stocks

Pro: Form of passive income
Con: Could reduce companies funding sources
Potential Return: Unlimited
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: $100
Best Resource: M1 Finance

It might make sense for you to invest your money into dividend paying stocks that can help build long-term wealth.

In fact, from 1927 to 2014, dividend stocks saw annual growth rates of 10.4%, while growth stocks that did not pay dividends only saw a growth rate of about 8.5%.

dividend stocks grew at 10.4 percent from 1927 to 2014

This study certainly underlines why it might be advantageous to having dividend paying stocks as a part of your investment portfolio.

Let’s back up a little.

What is a dividend?

Basically, a dividend is the company’s way of thanking its investors for owning the company stock and not selling it.

Dividend growth rates are typically more stable than stock market growth.

Cutting a company’s dividend is typically a last resort because that means a company is facing financial stress.

And for that reason, I’m a pretty big fan of investing in dividend stocks.

One of the best ways to invest in dividend stocks is by opening an account through one of the most popular investing apps, M1 Finance 👇

M1 is an awesome investing app for those investors who are committed to the long term.

Once you’ve opened your M1 account and linked it with your bank account, you can start investing in dividend producing stocks – or even dividend focused ETFs (aka exchange traded funds).

With M1, you can either build your own portfolio or you can choose a premade portfolio from the M1 Finance investment team.

Instead of calling it portfolio, however, M1 Finance calls it a “pie.”

m1 finance "the pie"

If you’re serious about opening an account with M1 Finance, then I would suggest you focus on investing automatically and for the long term. 

Your bank accounts will thank me later.

Income Generating Asset: Yourself

6. Yourself

Pro: Unlimited income
Con: High upfront time commitment
Potential Return: Unlimited
Time Commitment: High upfront
Minimum Investment: $0+
Best Resources: Udemy

I can’t say how many times I’ve heard the saying that you should always invest in yourself first.

You know what? The saying is true.

When you invest in yourself, you earn the highest ROI.

That’s because knowledge is power.

And power means money.

In fact, a general rule of thumb I have both read and heard about is to invest about 3% of your gross income back into yourself.

3% of your gross income should be invested back into yourself

Remember that success doesn’t come with shortcuts – you will have to put in the time, energy, and money to achieve your goals.

When you invest money and time in yourself, you are virtually guaranteeing your own future success. You just have to start.

If you’re looking to learn about something that goes into much more depth – as in, you’d like to complete an online MBA for a fraction of the cost of a college MBA – then you may want to check out Udemy 👇 

Udemy offers in-depth courses including:

  • JavaScript
  • Blockchain
  • Deep Learning
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Lots more

The point is this: When you start investing in yourself, your ROI will be unlimited.

Income Generating Asset: Index Funds

7. Index Funds

Pro: Low-cost fees
Con: Less flexibility
Potential Return: 8%
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: $100
Best Resource: M1 Finance

Have you ever heard of the Buffett challenge?

Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world, is very well known for his stance on investing: Invest in low-cost, unsexy, index funds.

According to Warren, index fund investing is cheaper, better, and more profitable than investing in “sexy” investment products like in hedge funds.

Did the hedge fund industry win?


Here are the results:

S&P 500 Return Hedge Fund Return



Why does it seem like the S&P 500 index fund outperforms the “upper class” and glitzy hedge funds almost every time?

The main reason is due to the astronomically priced fees that come along with hedge funds.

If you want to have the privilege to invest in hedge funds, you need to pay up – and typically that means you’re paying the typical “2 and 20” fee structure:

  • 2% per year based on the assets under management 
  • 20% performance fee, charged on the profits generated

Arguably, you’re already looking at a -22% return – before you even start investing with hedge funds!

On the other hand, index funds can save you – and make you – a lot of money.

s&p 500 2017-2021

Source: Google Finance

As you can see, over the past 5 years, the S&P 500 index fund has been steadily increasing in value.

While there will always be some sort of volatility when it comes to investing in the stock market, the good news is that if you zoom out and if you look at the bigger picture, chances are, you’ll make a positive return in the stock market.

When it comes to successful investing (just as Warren Buffett preaches), you need to zoom out and focus on the long term. 

And that’s where investing in income generating assets like index funds could get the job done.

Here is a list of the pros and cons of index fund investing:

Pros Cons


Not flexible


Could have tracking errors

Low fees

Can never outperform the market

Diversify your portfolio

May have management differences

Personally speaking, one of the most important reasons why you would want to invest in index funds like the S&P 500 is because of the:

  • Low-cost
  • High-quality

By low cost, I mean that because index funds are passively managed, you typically won’t be charged a high fee (aka expense ratio) for the privilege to invest in an index fund.

The lower the expense ratio, the more money in your pocket. 

M1 Finance is an awesome investment app for those of you who are serious about starting your long-term investing journey

Here’s a little about M1 Finance:

  • No trading fees
  • No management fees
  • Portfolio is customizable
  • Fractional share investing

You will need at least $100 to start investing in a regular, taxable account and you’ll need at least $500 to start investing in a retirement account (aka an IRA). 

The most important part is that you start investing today.

Income Generating Asset: Become a Business Owner

8. A Business

Pro: Unlimited income potential
Con: High upfront time commitment
Potential Return: Unlimited
Time Commitment: Very high
Minimum Investment: Depends on the type of business

Do you want to know one of the fastest ways to becoming a millionaire in your lifetime? 

It’s called becoming a business owner. 

I’m not kidding: 66% of millionaires are business owners. 

66% of millionaires own their own business

Source: The Millionaire Next Door

In other words, if you start your own business (and if you put in 110% effort), then you have a much, much higher chance of becoming a millionaire versus if you “just” remained an employee for the rest of your life.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with being an employee.

In fact, being employed is often much less stressful than being a business owner, you have less responsibility, less liability, and arguably you also have less financial risk. 

However, running a business is not all rainbows and butterflies. 

Here are some red flags that may indicate you’re not cut out to be a business owner (which is totally fine, by the way!):

  • You procrastinate
  • You fail to take action
  • You enjoy the comfort zone
  • You’re not familiar with marketing
  • You aren’t willing to put in the extra work

If your goal is to become a business owner, you cannot let failure hold you back.

In fact, more than 50% of businesses fail after the first 5 years. 

50% of businesses fail after the first 5 years

The statistics get even worse, indicating that over 70% of businesses fail after 10 years of starting.

70% of businesses fail after 10 years of starting

If you’re really looking to become a business owner, then you’ll have to accept that becoming a millionaire isn’t going to be a linear process.

In fact, studies suggest that the average millionaire actually goes bankrupt 3.5 times on average before they become successful.

The average millionaire goes bankrupt 3.5 times before they become successful

Source: The Millionaire Next Door

While I’m not trying to discourage you from pursuing your dream of becoming a business owner, I also don’t want to make it sound like being a business owner is easy – because it’s not.

It’s going to take:

  • Time
  • Effort
  • Energy
  • Failure
  • Hard work

Instead of working a 9 to 5 job, you’ll probably be living, eating, and breathing your business because your business will likely consume almost every minute.

At least that’s what my business does to me. 

However, because I love what I do, I don’t mind it – in fact, I love working on weekends, holidays, etc. because I feel like I’m getting ahead while everyone else is taking a rest.

While passion is a key ingredient, it’s not everything.

To become a successful business owner, you’ll also have to start learning additional things, like:

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Contract law
  • Leading teams
  • Managing your money
  • Understanding areas of liability

You have to become an expert in virtually every field of your business. 

Since most of us didn’t go to business school or received an MBA, understanding certain aspects of a business can become tricky – and demotivating. 

That’s why I suggest you take a course on the online teaching platform Udemy 👇

Udemy offers an online MBA course for a very low cost (relative to what most MBA’s would actually cost you).

This is where you can learn the ins and outs of running a business and how you can implement the tips to run your business successfully, too.

Income Generating Asset: Your Property

9. Your Property

Pro: Earn passive income from your property
Con: Dealing with tenants
Potential Return: Depends on local rent rates
Time Commitment: Medium
Minimum Investment: Depends on your property & maintenance fees

Unused space in your house can cost you money, time, and potentially energy cleaning the unnecessary space. 

Here’s how you can flip the script: Consider renting out the unused space. 

Did you know that 35.9% of US households rent out their homes?

35.9 percent of US households rent out their homes

Typically speaking, rental income is also a fairly stable source of income – everyone needs a place to live.

Below is a neat chart to show you how much you could charge for rent, just based on your geographic location:

median gross rent by state

While it might sound like renting out your unused space could be a fun and great income generating asset – I should caution you that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to renting out property.

The worst-case scenario is when your tenant refuses to pay, and you cannot legally force them to leave without jumping through many costly and timely hoops.

Income Generating Asset: Money Market Accounts

10. Money Market Account

Pro: Easily accessible
Con: Does not earn high returns like the stock market
Potential Return: Depends on the interest rate
Time Commitment: Low
Minimum Deposit: $100 (for CIT Bank)
Best Resource: CIT Bank Money Market

Want to know one of the easiest passive assets you can set up today and earn a little money on the side? 

Then setting up a money market account could be the right option for you.

Enter CIT Bank’s Money Market fund 👇

Money market funds typically pay a higher interest rate than what your average savings account pays you.

If you’re interested to compare how this CIT Bank’s interest rate (0.45%) compares to your savings account interest rate, log into your savings account right now or call up your bank rep to check out your interest rate.

There is a very high chance that your savings account interest rate is lower than what a money market account could offer.

By FDIC insured, I mean that money market accounts offer you insurance of up to $250,000 per account owner in the case the bank fails.

Typically speaking, however, money markets often have minimum deposit requirements (in CIT Bank’s case, it’s $100), so just make sure you know what you’re signing up for first.

For example, in the case of CIT Bank, you are limited to 6 transactions per statement cycle. Anything over 6 transactions would be charged an excess activity fee.

Depending on your goals, a high-yield money market account could help you save for some big milestone goals.

If you’re ready to earn some passive income on your cash, while saving for major life milestones, then consider opening a money market account with CIT Bank.

Income Generating Asset: Write and Sell an eBook

11. Selling eBooks

Pro: Low financial investment
Con: High upfront time commitment
Potential Return: Unlimited
Time Commitment: High upfront
Minimum Investment: $0

Did you know that one of the best income generating assets is your brain? 

You can earn $1,000’s extra each month if you decide to write your own eBook, for example. 

And if you don’t know how – or where – to start, then I have the perfect guide for you.

How to make money writing eBooks:

  • Think about what you’d like to write about (passion, niche, expert skill, etc.)
  • Download the course, How to Create & Sell eBooks for a Living
  • Start writing your first draft, even if you don’t feel ready
  • Ask someone else to edit your draft, then rewrite
  • Promote your eBook on social media

When I wrote my eBook, How to Get Rich from Nothing, I probably committed over 100 hours to the making of my eBook. 

It may sound like a lot of time, but in reality, I loved every minute of it, because I’m passionate about helping people improve their financial picture, and I’m already fairly skilled in writing (since I run a personal finance blog!). 

Now, 3 months later, I am still earning a modest amount of money from my eBook, without having to do anything. 

Talk about an awesome income generating asset!

Here’s why I love writing and selling ebooks:

  • No inventory costs
  • Low upfront expenses
  • Freedom to work anywhere
  • Passive income generation for years to come

If you want to earn extra money, then you should really consider writing an eBook.

Income Generating Asset Precious Metals

12. Precious Metals

Pro: Metals are stored and insured
Con: Fees are relatively high
Potential Return: 10.9% to 13.4%
Time Commitment: Low
Minimum Investment: $1
Best Resource: OneGold

At the first sign of stock market volatility and inflation, many investors tend to flock to other, potentially more stable assets such as gold.

But it hasn’t always been easy to find and invest in gold.

Not anymore.

Enter OneGold 👇

OneGold is one of the best precious metals trading and investment platforms. 

You can buy:

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Platinum

And the best part? 

All of your transactions can be done 100% digitally, plus your precious metals are stored (and insured) in some of the safest locations across the world.

And, with OneGold, you can liquidate your assets anytime (but it might take several days for that money to be sent your way).

So why invest in gold? 

It’s simple: Gold is not correlated with the stock market.

Gold Price vs SP500 Index 1968 to 2020

From the chart above, you can see that the price of gold has typically not had any correlation to the price of the S&P 500.

Especially in times of heavy market volatility, the value of gold tends to rise as fear in the stock market rises.

Income Generating Asset Sports Memorabilia

13. Sports Memorabilia

Pro: Protection against market volatility
Con: Available only in the US
Potential Return: 9.74%
Time Commitment: Low
Minimum Investment: $5

Since 2008, sports collectibles have outperformed the S&P 500 by 604% in returns!

PWCC 500 vs SP500

The chart above indicates how sports collectibles (light blue) have absolutely exploded in growth compared to the S&P 500 (dark blue).

In other words, if you really need to liquidate your investment, you can. 

Speaking of investments, check out some of the sports memorabilia Collectable offers:

Collectable Recent Exits

Setting up your Collectable investment account takes only a few minutes and you can start building wealth wisely.

Income Generating Asset Rare Wine

14. Rare Wine

Pro: Open to all investors
Con: Long term investment
Potential Return: 12.4% to 100%+
Time Commitment: 2 to 20+ years
Minimum Investment: $1,000
Best Resource: Vinovest

Do you like wine?

Do you like making money?

If you answered yes to both questions, then you might want to consider investing in rare wines.

Over the past 30 years, fine wine investments have outperformed traditional investments (like stocks):

Fine Wine vs SP500 1988-2020

The chart above displays the S&P 500 (dark brown), which has consistently underperformed fine wines, even during recessions.

So, if you’re in the middle of a recession, investments like fine wine can actually help make your portfolio numbers look better.

So how can you actually invest in fine wine? 

Here’s exactly what you need to know:

  1. Sign-up to Vinovest
  2. Receive customized wine portfolio recommendation
  3. Start investing in fine wine (minimum of $1,000)
  4. Hold the wine for the long-term

And, in exchange for paying an annual management fee, Vinovest will do the following to your wine:

  • Store 
  • Insure
  • Transport
  • Source buyers

By choosing Vinovest, you tap into the white glove service offered by the company to make sure you walk away with a profit.

Recommended Reading: Vinovest Review

Income Generating Asset: Farmland

15. Farmland

Pro: Low fees
Con: Accredited investors only
Potential Return: 1.8% to 13.1%
Time Commitment: Minimal
Minimum Investment: $5,000 to $50,000
Best Resource: FarmTogether

Have you ever wanted to invest in farmland, but didn’t know where to start?

Thanks to modern technology, now you can.

Believe it or not, investing in farmland can yield fairly high returns compared to other asset classes (like real estate investing, stock market investing, etc.).

Take a look at the illustration below:

farmland average annual return

As you can see, Farmland offers not only a high annual return, but it also offers low volatility (when compared to the stock market), a hedge against inflation, and farmland is also one of the best passive income generating assets.

Investing in farmland offers you the chance to make money in 2 distinct ways:

  • Appreciation of land value
  • Passive income from rent payments

Because land space is limited, it certainly is a good idea to consider investing in farmland.

That’s especially true seeing that farmland has offered consistent growth over the past 30 years, as illustrated in the chart below.

cumulative returns of major asset classes 1990-2018

This chart illustrates how a $10,000 investment in farmland back in 1990 would have consistently appreciated in value to $199,700 in today’s dollars.

While farmland may not be the No. 1 performing asset class (which is REITs), farmland does offer more stability.

Based on this logic, one could assume that an investment in farmland would continue to increase in the long run. 

FarmTogether certainly puts in the due diligence to determine which land could offer high returns.

Just remember to do your research before you jump head-over-heels into any income generating asset.

Income Generating Asset: Your Twitter Account

16. Your Twitter Account

Pro: Work from anywhere
Con: High upfront time commitment
Potential Return: Unlimited
Time Commitment: High upfront
Minimum Investment: $0
Best Resource: X Mastery

If you are looking for ways to make money on Twitter, then this section will give you, your blueprint.

When I first started my Twitter journey, I had no idea that you could earn passive income from your social media account… and that realization soon changed. 

Now, after about: 

  • 2.5 years 
  • several $10,000s 

…I can say with certainty that Twitter can change your life for the better – if you use the social media platform in a passive income generating capacity. 

Here’s how you can earn $1,000’s per month from Twitter:

  1. Download the X Mastery course
  2. Use the strategies to grow your audience
  3. Add consistent and high-quality value
  4. Promote and sell great products

Building a credible Twitter profile takes a lot of time upfront.

If you’re new to Twitter and don’t know where to start but want to get a jump start ahead of the competition, then I highly suggest you check out X Mastery.

That course will fast-track your way to success.

What matters is the quality of your audience and not the quantity.

Once you have established yourself on Twitter, you will want to learn affiliate marketing by downloading the Twitter Affiliate Mastery Course.

The awesome part about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to spend the time, money, energy, or research to create a new product.

All you do is promote someone else’s product to your audience.

The best feeling in the world is waking up to a sale you made overnight.

That’s when you know you’re earning passive income literally in your sleep.

Start your journey today.

17. AI Startups

Do you want to be an early investor in the AI revolution?

Investing in AI startups before they go public could give you significant returns.

AI startups can also provide:

  • Diversification
  • Positive societal impact
  • Long-term growth potential

The best part?

You don’t need $100,000s to start investing in AI startups.

With the Fundrise Innovation Fund, you can start investing in less than 5 minutes and with as little as $10.

(Most venture capital funds have a $200,000+ minimum).

The Innovation Fund invests in some of the world’s best tech companies.

Including those leading the AI revolution, before they go public.

What Income Generating Assets Can I Buy with Little Money?

Thanks to modern technology, investing in income generating assets has become easier, cheaper, and faster than ever before. 

If you don’t have $1,000’s of dollars, then you can still consider passive assets to invest in for very little money – for as little as $10, for example, if you invest in real estate with Fundrise.

This means:

  • Commissions are lower
  • You can invest with little money
  • Fees are (supposedly) not as complex
  • There are low investment account minimums

If you don’t have a lot of money but you want to start investing, then I would recommend you take a look at:

  1. Real estate investing
  2. Stock market investing

Here’s how you can invest with just a few dollars:

1. Real Estate

One of the most popular tangible assets to invest in is real estate because you receive rent and at some point, you can sell your real estate investment (which typically appreciates in price). 

Thanks to crowdfunding platforms like Fundrise, you can now invest in real estate deals for as little as $10.

The deal itself doesn’t come without risks, but it’s still a great way to earn money passively and build your wealth.

2. Stocks

Investing in the stock market is my favorite way to invest.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme – it takes time. 

The good news is that you don’t need $100’s or $1,000’s to start investing in the stock market. In fact, all you need is just $5 if you start investing with Acorns.

The key to making money in the stock market has to do with consistent and long-term investing

However, the most important part is to start.

What are the Best Assets to Invest in?

As you can see, there are so many different income generating assets to invest in. 

Some of these passive income assets include:

  • Real estate 
  • Crypto accounts
  • Stock market investing

…And the list goes on. 

In the end, determining what the most profitable assets to invest in really depends on several factors.

Some of these factors could include:

  • The level of risk 
  • The upfront investment
  • Your level of time commitment
  • The timeframe of the investment
  • Whether your money is locked up

Of course, there is no “ideal” income generating asset. 

That’s because you can’t have a high income generating asset with no risk – the lower the risk, typically, the lower the income.

However, I can say that 90% of the world’s millionaires invest in real estate.

90% of millionaires invest in real estate

In fact, real estate is one of the most reliable wealth-building and income generating assets. 

While real estate investing was typically reserved for the high roller and exclusive millionaire world, thanks to technology, the average Joe can now invest in real estate too through what is known as crowdfunding applications like Fundrise.


Income generating assets are those assets that could earn you money even while you sleep. These assets could include stocks, bonds, rental income, etc.

Here is a list of income generating assets you can buy with as little as $10:

  • Stocks
  • Real estate
  • Index funds
  • Sports memorabilia
  • 401(k) contributions

There are several income generating assets you can buy now:

  • Stocks
  • Real estate
  • Rare collectibles
  • An online business
  • High-yield savings account

While there is no “perfect” income generating asset, some of the most profitable assets in the long term include:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • An online business
  • Low-cost index funds
  • Large-cap value stocks
  • Dividend-paying stocks
  • Real estate crowdfunding
  • Real estate rental property

Closing Thoughts

If your goal is to gain 
financial freedom, then you should consider investing in appreciating assets now.

Especially in today’s post-pandemic society, we can no longer rely on just our 9 to 5 job income to build wealth. 

It’s time to start diversifying with passive income investments.

Your bank accounts will thank me later.

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